Product Details

1000 Items

Interchangeable scalpel blade holder

Interchangeable scalpel blade holder. For super-sharp carbide blades and standard blades. Same handle as multiline handle.


Options Supplémentaires

Intaglio blades
For etching (varnished plates) and plexiglass / rhenalon / plastics
Tungsten carbide scalpel blades - long life blades
The most accurate, but the tip end is brittle
Precise but slightly brittle tip: for paper, cardboard, etc.
The most versatile: precise but less fragile than the pointed versions.

For paper, wood, etc.
The strongest, for cutting or carving hard materials (cardboard, wood, etc.)
Standard scalpel blade
Other options
Felt pouch to protect your tools

Free option, if you do not intend to use it, please uncheck this option

* est requis

Prix total des options:
Total price:
Knifes /scalpels
1000 Items
Type de manche
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