Product Details

1000 Items

All roulettes to make greyscales


Options Supplémentaires

Collet for roulette
For most precision burrs
Precision hatching egg
Precision deep cross hatching
Carreful : require 2.3mm collet
Carreful : require 2.3mm collet
Hatching precision ball
Carreful require 2.3mm collet
Carreful require 2.3mm collet
Maxi hatched texture
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Simple cut
Medium hatching
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Simple cut
Wide hatching
Egg shape diameter 4mm
Cross cut
Superfine hatching

Carreful : 4mm diameter, not 6mm like other ones
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Cross cut
Fine hatching

Allows you to make a black surface quickly. Warning: for perfect homogeneity, it is advisable to use precision burrs rather than a wide tip like this one
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Cross cut
Medium hatching
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Spiral cut
Super fine hatching
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Spiral cut
Fine hatching
Egg shape diameter 6mm
Fine spike teeth
Medium grit

For intaglio and relief print

* est requis

Prix total des options:
Total price:
1000 Items
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