Lighten / Erase / Blur

In this category you will find tools used to lighten or erase intaglio marks.

  • burnishers, agate or hematite. Hematites polish very slightly better but are more fragile and less durable.
    • "simple cones" are the most classic. The pointed cone is to be reserved for micro details.
    • "precision curved" are the most versatile. Precise, progressive and easy to use. Available in 2 widths, very close.
    • truncated shapes allow very good polishing but are more difficult to use. The "flat tip" version makes it easy to make white lines in mezzotint.
    • maxi burnishers exist in several versions. Flat shapes are very efficient (and precise on the edges). The curved shapes allow for gradual roughing.
  • Scrapers, available in several sizes. The most common are the precision scraper, or the medium scraper (a little less precise but a little more rigid). The nano scraper is to be reserved for details.
  • Abrasive leads and erasers are between scrapers and burnishers: the leads look more like pencils, the erasers are more flexible for more . They come in 4 different sizes (one handle per size)
    • Micro version, can be used like a very fine pencil (abrasive leads only)
    • The 2mm and 3mm versions are very similar. They allow you to use both erasers and leads. Prefer the 3mm version unless you also want to use the 2mm handle for other tips (nano scraper, mini cutter)
    • The 6mm version only exists for abrasive erasers, but also allows you to insert a large scraper blade.